Teaching Civics after the Attack on the Capitol
Here's a recent commentary I had in the Baltimore Sun, Newsday, the Hartford Courant and several other newspapers and online sites around...
We Deserve Credit, Not Chaos
(Published in the Scranton Times-Tribune, Nov. 18, 2020) We just experienced one of the greatest achievements in our democracy’s history....
Hold on Tight: It Could Be a Wild Ride
When I write my next edition of Presidential Elections and Other Cool Facts, I'm going to add a new chapter on "When Must All the Votes...
Time for the Shadow Government to Come Out of the Shadows
In law school we learned a basic aphorism: Hard facts make bad law. That means when cases present difficult factual situations in which...
This Is Why We'll Survive
I am an optimist. I think our country is going through a difficult time, but I think we and our system will prevail. I believe this...
Civics 101: Let the System Work
Note: This blog was published in the Sunday, Feb. 12 edition of the Baltimore Sun. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-ci...
The People Are Watching
I'm an optimist, and a wait and see kind of guy. I'm not happy about the incoming administration, but I'm going to hold my fire for now....
A Letter to the Incoming President
Dear Mr. Trump: This week you will take the oath of office as President of the United States. It is one of the great moments in our...
Love -- And Learn To Understand -- Thy Neighbor
Saw this article today and consider it worth sharing, not just for the conclusion drawn by this former Marine officer who served in Iraq...
Teaching About This Election: Sometimes Bad Examples Make Good Teaching Points
As the author of a book on presidential elections for children in grades 3 through 5, every election year I get invited to speak about...