Teaching Civics after the Attack on the Capitol
Here's a recent commentary I had in the Baltimore Sun, Newsday, the Hartford Courant and several other newspapers and online sites around...
We Deserve Credit, Not Chaos
(Published in the Scranton Times-Tribune, Nov. 18, 2020) We just experienced one of the greatest achievements in our democracy’s history....
Hold on Tight: It Could Be a Wild Ride
When I write my next edition of Presidential Elections and Other Cool Facts, I'm going to add a new chapter on "When Must All the Votes...
Having It Both Ways
(Published in the Scranton Times-Tribune, June 4, 2020) In my children’s book on civics, “How the U.S. Government Works,” I explain to...
In It Together, or On Our Own?
I am lucky. I know I'm lucky. The pandemic, so far, has had little direct impact on my family. To our knowledge none of us have gotten...
The Supreme Court: Can It Survive the Current Era of Hyperpartisanship?
Let me start by asking you a question. How many of you think the Supreme Court and the federal courts are nonpartisan? How many don’t? My...
Compromise: It's Good For Our Health
When I speak to audiences of children about my books on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, I emphasize the role of debate and...
This Is Why We'll Survive
I am an optimist. I think our country is going through a difficult time, but I think we and our system will prevail. I believe this...
Maybe This Is the Turning Point
Among the predictably polarized responses to the congressional shooting this week -- some on the left renewing calls for stronger gun...
I Still Believe in the System
After 30 years of working for the federal courts, I believe in legal process and in the justice system. The president can fire as many...