What If the Electoral College Went Rogue
See my op ed in the Baltimore Sun. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-electoral-college-20161020-story.html
Education, or (Mis)Information?
I've seen a meme floating around Facebook attributing Donald Trump's popularity to a broken educational system. But this isn't simply an...
How Smart Is It?
In my book, The U.S. Constitution and You, I talk about the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizens. I say: Protecting these rights...
Politics Is Not Governance
Sorry for not having a blog post this week, but thought you might like to read my Op Ed piece from Monday's Baltimore Sun. Read the post...
What's The Electoral College and Why Do We Have It?
The Electoral College is what we call the group of people who actually choose the President of the United States. The presidential...
Pocket Constitutions, Warren Burger, and The Rule of Law
Pocket Constitutions recently got a lot of publicity. Some people had them and showed them off. Other people didn't have them but wished...
Children Are Watching
I remember the first time I watched political conventions on TV. It was the summer of 1964 and I was 9 years old. That year the...
Let's All Play Ball
I have a good buddy who's a huge baseball fan. A real purist. He loves the game for the love of the game. Back in the early 1980's, when...
Come Together
Upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Ben Franklin famously said: "[W]e must all hang together or most assuredly we will...
Let Judges Do Their Jobs
The topics of states' rights, racism, and federal judges have been coming up a lot lately in the news and in social media, in a variety...