Teaching Civics after the Attack on the Capitol
Here's a recent commentary I had in the Baltimore Sun, Newsday, the Hartford Courant and several other newspapers and online sites around...
Hold on Tight: It Could Be a Wild Ride
When I write my next edition of Presidential Elections and Other Cool Facts, I'm going to add a new chapter on "When Must All the Votes...
Compromise: It's Good For Our Health
When I speak to audiences of children about my books on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, I emphasize the role of debate and...
Maybe This Is the Turning Point
Among the predictably polarized responses to the congressional shooting this week -- some on the left renewing calls for stronger gun...
The People Are Watching
I'm an optimist, and a wait and see kind of guy. I'm not happy about the incoming administration, but I'm going to hold my fire for now....
A Letter to the Incoming President
Dear Mr. Trump: This week you will take the oath of office as President of the United States. It is one of the great moments in our...
Of Blackish, Political Discourse, Lemons, and Lemonade
I've told my kids for as long as I can remember that when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. So watching Blackish last night made me...
Bringing the Electoral College in Line With Reality
Here's my latest op ed in the Baltimore Sun. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-electoral-college-20161123-story.html
Politics Is Not Governance
Sorry for not having a blog post this week, but thought you might like to read my Op Ed piece from Monday's Baltimore Sun. Read the post...
Who Are the Political Parties and What Are They Fighting About?
If you’re a kid who is starting to learn about government, you are probably hearing a lot about “politics” and “politicians” and...